The low cost and widespread availability of PIC microcontroller chips, coupled with the relative ease in which they can be programmed, has seen them become one of the most popular for use both amongst enthusiastic hobbyists and industrial developers. The basic functionality of PIC chips makes them idea for any system that needs only a low level of computing power, with the wide range of PIC Programmers we offer at Kanda making it as straightforward and user friendly as possible to both program and update the chip to your requirements. Continue reading
Category Archives: News
Helping you find the correct PIC controller for your needs
With the growing and ever divergent use for Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microcontrollers, ensuring that your project or roll-out has the correct device from the range of PIC controllers available is no longer a straightforward matter, or question of basic elements such as voltage and pin connectivity. With the more complex – and as a consequence more effective – use of PIC today, using the services of Kanda to ensure you have the best and most appropriate PIC controller for your project requirements is essential. Continue reading
Offering all customers fixed or portable programmer solutions
PIC programmers and microcontrollers are a specialist area of expertise for us here at Kanda. Whether you require a fixed and expansive set up, or need the flexibility of a portable PIC programmer for on-site and field development, we can ensure that you get the right equipment to deliver the functionality you need at the most competitive price possible. As you would expect, our services do not stop at the provision of equipment – we ensure that you get the necessary support and knowledge to get the maximum efficiency and benefit from your programmer kit. Continue reading