PIC Programmers
We've always supplied the very finest of equipment to be found in the world, offering a wide selection to ensure we can cater for all kinds of requirements. Additionally we offer everything at the lowest, most competitively prices that we can.
Latest News
- Offering PIC microcontroller chips at inexpensive prices - The low cost and widespread availability of PIC microcontroller chips, coupled with the relative ease in which they can be programmed, has seen them become one of the most popular for use both amongst enthusiastic…
- Helping you find the correct PIC controller for your needs - With the growing and ever divergent use for Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microcontrollers, ensuring that your project or roll-out has the correct device from the range of PIC controllers available is no longer a straightforward…
- Offering all customers fixed or portable programmer solutions - PIC programmers and microcontrollers are a specialist area of expertise for us here at Kanda. Whether you require a fixed and expansive set up, or need the flexibility of a portable PIC programmer for on-site…
PIC, the acronym for peripheral interface controller, is arguably the most popular form of microcontroller in the world, whether used for professional, industrial or personal project reasons.
PIC microcontrollers offer reliability with an outstanding performance at a low cost. Usually over one billion of these components are produced and shipped each year.
Getting the greatest success with the microcontrollers relies on using the best PIC Programmer available. Our worldwide success has come about from understanding this. We supply devices which have a proven track record of success, delivering the enhanced performance you want, need and expect.
Kanda is proud to supply all forms of PIC Programmers and related accessories. These include -
- Handheld programmer USB starter kits
- 8-Way portable programmers
- Portable standalone programmers
- 8-Way ATE programmers
- USB interfaces
- RJ11 adapters
- LPT starter kits
Our world class PIC products are backed with second-to-none support. We're always very happy to engage with our clients, providing all the information and knowledge they need for success. We also maintain a substantial database and make regularly updated downloads available.
At Kanda we are very proud to be the number one name in the world for PIC Programmers. No matter what your requirements are, or where in the world you need them met, we are your first and only choice of supplier for success.
If you need assistance choosing the right products please feel free to get in touch; we are always pleased to help our clients. We are confident we have answers to any questions you may have and can offer advice and recommendations to help you get the best results from your project.